Taking the Pledge.




One of the main issues that tenants raise with us in relation to the proposed Public Housing Renewal Projects is uncertainty. What will happen to us? When will it happen?

It is very difficult for tenants when there are so few clear answers being provided.

Adding to this sense of uncertainty is the upcoming Victorian election, to be held in Late November 2018.

In order to reduce this uncertainty as far as possible, we have asked all parties to sign a simple pledge.  The pledge addresses the three key issues that tenants raise with us. It reads:

“We Pledge That:

  1. Public housing tenants who are relocated as part of the Public Housing Renewal Project will have the right to return to their estates after construction has finished.
  2. Public housing tenants who return to the new estates will still have their rent calculation limited to 25% of their household income.
  3. Public housing tenants who return to the new estates will experience no reduction in their security of tenure.”

So far the Labor Party and the Greens have signed the Pledge.

We have approached the Liberal Party also. The Liberal Party Spokesperson on Housing, Georgie Crozier, has recently taken over the portfolio and is considering our request.

The VPTA recognises that the Pledge does not meet all of the concerns of all of the tenants. However, we feel that it does establish a solid baseline for our ongoing advocacy efforts.