Chairperson’s Bulletin No. 4 – 2017


New Board Members

Earlier this year, the VPTA welcomed a new Board Member to our Association. Daniel Jordan JP was appointed in March for the remainder of the current Board’s Term of Office. Daniel has experience as the CEO of a large not-for-profit organisation (education sector) and has a range of governance skills to contribute to the VPTA. Further information can be found on the VPTA website:

This month the Board appointed another new Member, Christopher MacBean, a public housing tenant from Port Melbourne. Chris has previous experience as a Board Member of a large not-for-profit organisation (health sector) and currently has a range of volunteer roles with a variety of organisations.

Resignation of Chris Artufel from VPTA Board

After a long association with the VPTA, Chris Artufel resigned from the VPTA Board this month for personal reasons. It was with some sadness that the Board acknowledged Chris’ dedicated service to the VPTA over many years and bid farewell to our long-serving former Committee of Management and Board Member. We hope to see Chris at our AGM in September.

Annual General Meeting

The 2017 AGM will be held at 2pm on Tuesday 5th September at the VPTA offices. All public housing tenants are welcome. The meeting will include presentation of the Annual Report and Financial Statement and provide for Question and Answer time. Please confirm your attendance with the office prior to the event so we can ensure sufficient seating and refreshments are available.

Appointment of 2017-19 Board

The current VPTA Board’s Term of Office expires at the close of this year’s AGM. A new Board will take office at this point for the period 2017–2019. Announcement of the incoming Board membership will be made at the AGM. The Rules governing the appointment of Board Members can be found within the VPTA Constitution, available on our website:

Expression of Interest for Board appointment

ALL persons interested in appointment to the VPTA Board, including current Board Members seeking another Term of Office, are required to submit a completed Expression of Interest form for consideration. The VPTA needs people, including public housing tenants, with a variety of skills and relevant experience to be part of the VPTA Board. Knowledge of the social housing sector is desirable, but not essential. Appointments to the VPTA Board are skills-based and involve consideration of what the potential appointee will offer the VPTA – knowledge, networks, specific experience and/or business success.

Expression of Interest forms for appointment to the VPTA Board can be found on the VPTA website: Click on the ‘Resources’ drop-down menu and then click on ‘Expression of Interest’ to download a copy. Completed forms should be submitted to the VPTA (via email or post) and received no later than 5pm on Monday 24th July 2017.

Support & Training for potential new Board members

Anyone interested in finding out more about the role of a VPTA Board is encouraged to contact the VPTA Executive Officer, Mark Feenane, immediately. We would like to conduct a session for interested persons at which the role of a Board Member will be further explained and information provided on the business of the Board and the day-to-day operational matters conducted by staff. This session will also include exploration of skills and experience of potential appointees and would be most valuable if completed prior to the submission of an Expression of Interest form