what is this consultation?
The VPTA is independent from Government. We are organising this consultation to make sure you have an opportunity to give direct feedback to Homes Victoria about:
- What renters would like the new homes to be like;
- What is important to include on the new sites; and
- What people think about the relocations process so far.
After the consultations, we will write a report which includes what we have learned from the community. We will make sure individual community members remain anonymous.
We will share this report with the Government and with the community.
who is the vpta?
The Victorian Public Tenants Association (VPTA) is the peak body for people who live in public housing, and for people on the waiting list.
We have a free and confidential telephone advice line which helps more than 1,000 households resolve public housing problems every year. We meet with public housing renters and applicants through community engagement and outreach.
We fight for more, and better, public housing across the State so that every Victorian who needs a home, has one.
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