The VPTA, as well as organisations like Infoxchange, are working hard to ensure that public housing tenants have equal access to the information and opportunities on the internet.
So if you are a public tenant and you have a few minutes to spare, hit this link and answer a few questions about your internet use.
The Infoxchange and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) research is looking at internet connection and use in public housing communities around Australia.
There are a huge number of services on-line such as banking, bill payments, shopping, public transport timetables, Centrelink and Medicare. But we need to research whether current internet services are not meeting the needs of public housing tenants.
You are invited to take part in this research by completing the survey. You can use the link above to complete the survey online. If you know people who would like to complete a paper based survey ask them to call us on 1800 015 510.
The survey is confidential and should not take more than ten minutes to complete. Your response will help Infoxchange and ACCAN to recommend strategies to bring the benefits of internet use to Australia’s public housing communities.