Harold – Collingwood
Harold first moved to the Collingwood estate more than 50 years ago, in 1967. He was born just around the corner in the old Stanley Hotel – which has now been turned in to apartments. He’s been living in his current home since 1992.
At 88, he is a true Collingwood local (although his football team is Carlton).
He loves Collingwood because he feels at home, though he wishes they’d change the name of the suburb and stop increasing the rent!
For 15 years, Harold was the Chair of the Dight, Abbotsford, Collingwood, Clifton Hill Tenants Association (DACHTA), after first becoming involved with the group in 1984. He remembers working closely with the Collingwood High Rise Tenants Association (CHaRTA), and says that his neighbours still come to him for help when they have problems. He was involved with the group until the Government defunded the Tenant Participation Workers, and the local associations ceased.
Harold has always worked tirelessly for his community, and the wall of certificates and awards is testament to his good work.
He enjoys a good beer with mates and neighbours and writes beautiful poetry.