The Victorian Public Tenants Association (VPTA) celebrates news from the Victorian Government that 700 more public housing homes are set to be built as part of the Regional Housing Fund.
On Friday, The Victorian Government announced its Regional Housing Fund of $1 billion to deliver more than 1,300 new and upgraded social and affordable homes across regional and rural Victoria – with more than half of these guaranteed to be public housing.
CEO of VPTA Katelyn Butterss says, “With more than 100,000 Victorians waiting for a safe, secure place to call home, we always celebrate news of more social housing homes.”
“Public housing is the most accessible, and the most affordable type of long-term rental housing for the lowest income people on the waiting list. Despite this, the announcement is only the second large scale commitment to new public housing since before the pandemic, with the renewal of the Carlton red brick towers being the first.”
“This is a great first step towards more homes for the Victorians who desperately need them.”
Homes Victoria released the details of the fund last week highlighting that the fund “provides an opportunity to make a significant difference to housing Victorians in greatest need, such as people experiencing homelessness or financial hardship, as well as providing more affordable housing for rural and regional communities.”
The key areas set to benefit include Barwon, Goulburn, Loddon and Inner Gippsland and many more.
The fund completion is slated for 2028.