Scammers don’t discriminate


Scammers could be targeting you.


Scammers don’t discriminate. Anyone can fall for a scam, especially as scams become increasingly sophisticated.


Consumer Affairs Victoria is working with Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand to coordinate its Scammers don’t discriminate campaign commencing from Mental Health Week. No one expects to be scammed, but anyone can fall for one, especially as scams become more sophisticated.


The campaign highlights the support services available if people are feeling anxious or depressed as a result of being scammed.


If you’ve been scammed, you’re not alone. According to the ACCC, over 19,000 Victorians reported a scam last year, although the actual number of people who have been scammed is likely to be higher as many scams go unreported.


Visit the Consumer Affairs Victoria website for:
• tips on how to be scam savvy
• a handy quiz to test whether you can spot a scam
• videos of real stories from Victorians who have been scammed
• an opportunity to share your story to help others.


There are also educational videos about romance, lottery, online selling, investment, rebates, rental and business scams.


If you’ve been scammed, it can help to talk about how you’re feeling with someone you trust. If you need professional support, help is available. The campaign is being supported by beyondblue, SANE Australia, headspace and the Victorian Men’s Shed Association.


Visit for more information, or to share your story.