Author Archives: VPTA

A Blast From the Past

  A gem of a book arrived in our office this week. “At Home – [...]

Confused about new rent cards?

Tenants have asked us about the new rent cards that have been sent out in [...]

Scammers don’t discriminate

Scammers could be targeting you.   Scammers don’t discriminate. Anyone can fall for a scam, [...]

NSW Housing Plan

The New South Wales Government has released a 10-year housing plan, Future Directions. The 20 [...]

December Quarter Public Housing Waiting List

The public housing waiting list numbers for December are out and they show a major [...]

Olympia – The model for public housing?

  By June 2016 approximately  170 new public housing properties will have been built through [...]

Live Music on the Richmond Estate

Tenants in Richmond can enjoy some local music on the Estate this Wednesday the 20th [...]

Markham Avenue Demolition Begins

The redevelopment of the Markham Avenue Estate is one step closer with demolition of the [...]

New Housing Working Group

Throughout the latter part of 2015, the VPTA were very vocal in the media calling [...]

Back to Work Scheme Helps Public Tenants

If you live in public housing and you are looking for work, then you need [...]